Lint/Linting - a static code analysis tool used to find programming or syntax errors, bugs, suspicious code. For example, if coding in Python in Visual Studio Code, you can download a python lint extension that finds bugs as you develop.
CI - Continuous Integration. A software development methodology where code changes are merged often so that checks and tests can be automatically performed
CD - Continuous Deployment. A software development strategy where all/most code changes are automatically built into usable applications that can be easily delivered and used
DevOps- See CI/CD
Deploy - “launching” or pushing code to a server, or embedded hardware where it will begin to run
Compiling/compiler - converting the software written by a human into something that can be understood by a machine
premature optimization - too much upfront time spent optimizing code when it really doesn’t provide much benefit at that point
Dirty Dot - an indication to the user that there are unsaved changes. For example, the asterisk that appears in MS Word after the filename when it isn’t saved yet.