Traffic Pattern
Last updated
May 22, 2023
# Important Concepts
- Untowered operations
- Teardrop pattern entry
- Towered/Untowered Radio Communications
# Club Standard Pattern
# Takeoff
- Rotate at Vr:55-60
- Climb at:
# 500 AGL
- Fuel pump off
- Check Fuel Pressure
- Turn XWind
- Remain Vy:76
# Downwind/Pattern Alt
- Keep sight picture of runway at single point on right wing.
- Perform Downwind Checklist
- Power 2000 RPM
- Fuel: Fullest Tank
- Fuel Pump: On
- Mixture Rich
- Carb Heat: As Required
- Seatbelts: Check
- Trim: Level, as needed
# Midfield
- Get Tower Clearance for landing or the option
# Abeam Numbers
- Power 1500 RPM
- Flaps: 1 Notch
- Airspeed: 90
- Trim AR
# 45 Degrees from Final
- Wings Level
- Flaps: 2nd Notch
- Airspeed: 80
- Trim AR
# Base
# Final
- Start at 75 knots
- Wings level
- Flaps 3rd notch
- Slowing airspeed
# Short Final
- Airspeed 65 down to 55
- Keep the nosewheel up as longs as possible (Reduce load on nose)